Friday, February 8, 2013

Not Ron Swanson's Turkey Leg

Unless you watch Parks and Recreation, I don't think you would understand that reference. So, let me catch you up on Pawnee's biggest and manliest meat eater in local government.

Above is a picture of Ron Swanson holding a turkey leg wrapped in bacon. It's called a Swanson. What I made? I guess you could call it a Tori. 

For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to break out the slow 11pm on a Monday night. I couldn't sleep, I had turkey legs in the fridge, and thus a creation was born. I left the slow cooker on low for the entire night and when I woke up the aroma was amazing. Even though it was 9 am, I wanted dinner right then and there. The turkey literally fell right off of the bone (which is why you don't see the bone in the picture down below). I knew it would be the perfect warm dish on a snowy day (as evidenced by the picture down below). There are also baby carrots and cauliflower in this dish, which just so happened to be the vegetables in my fridge at the time. I recommend trying this over mashed potatoes.

Slow Cooker Rosemary-Basil Turkey Legs with baby carrots and cauliflower. 

Serving: 3 (1 drumstick and 1 cup of baby carrots and cauliflower)
Calories: 346, Fat: 10g, Sat. Fat: 3.5g, Carb: 168.5g, Protein: 42g, Fiber: 7g, Sodium: 220mg, Potassium: 1169mg

3 to 4 Turkey Legs
1/2 head of cauliflower
1 10 oz bag of baby carrots
3/4 cup dry white wine or cooking white wine
1 1/2 Tbsp Rosemary
1 1/2 Tbsp Basil
1/2 Tbsp Garlic powder
pepper to taste
salt to taste

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 8 - 10 hr on low, 4 to 6 hr on high
Total Time: depends on cook time

1. Cut head of cauliflower into chunks. Place cauliflower and baby carrots into the slow cooker.
2. Remove the excess skin from turkey legs. Bury turkey legs into the cauliflower and baby carrots in the slow cooker.
3. Pour white wine over the ingredients already in the slow cooker.
4. Season ingredients in the slow cooker with rosemary, basil, garlic powder, pepper and salt. Do not stir ingredients.
5. Put lid on slow cooker. Cook on low for 8 to 10 hours or on high for 4 to 6 hours. Do not lift lid at any point.
6. After cooking time is finished, use a meat thermometer to test temperature of turkey. The turkey should be at least 165 degrees for 15 seconds. The baby carrots and cauliflower should be tender.

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